速報APP / 生活品味 / Christmas Greeting Cards

Christmas Greeting Cards





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Christmas Greeting Cards(圖1)-速報App

+++Christmas Greeting Cards+++

❀ Send the Best HD Greeting Cards directly from your Android device. 100% Free using Christmas Greeting Cards app.

Christmas Greeting Cards(圖2)-速報App

❀ This free Christmas greeting cards app helps you send the most appropriate and thoughtful eCards to your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Mail or MMS.

❀ The app has a huge collection of HD greeting card images and photos you can choose from.

Christmas Greeting Cards(圖3)-速報App

❀ Greetings Christmas Cards and Greetings New Year 2018 After creating your perfect greeting card, it's time to share it with the world! Save the finished greeting card to your photo album and share it with your friends and family through MMS and E-mail or share it with the world and upload it directly to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Etc.

❀ Christmas Card Ideas You Should. Give everyone, Want to make your holiday card photo memorable with Xmas Cards. Family Christmas Cards. Includes Cards for Mum, Dad, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, God Parents and Godchildren. Daughter in Law, Sister and friends

Christmas Greeting Cards(圖4)-速報App

Features Christmas and New Year Greeting Cards :

Christmas Greeting Cards(圖5)-速報App